As companies upgrade their production floors to be on track with Industry 4.0, so does the demand for automated equipment. By integrating automation, industries can increase their overall production and efficiency, while lowering costs and hazards. The best way industries can achieve automated production is through the use of robots. In today’s world, robotic equipment fulfills a wide range of applications within the manufacturing industry. This could be as simple as pick and place robots, or as complex as automotive robotic welders. One of the most common applications for robotic technologies is product assembly.
Assembly Robots in Industry
Assembly robots are commonplace within any manufacturing environment. They are capable of performing mundane and repetitive tasks with ease. Due to the accuracy of a robot’s EOAT, assembly robots are also perfect for constructing products that require a delicate or precise touch. Such products could involve anything with electronics or compact components. Assembly robots are also capable of working with awkward and heavier parts which a human would find hazardous. In modern assembly lines, almost all nodes within the line are operated by robots or some sort of automated equipment. This ensures that a consistent and accurate construction process is maintained.
An automotive factory is a great example of an industry that utilizes these concepts. Vehicles consist of hundreds of complex parts which vary in size and their installation method. Due to the amount of unique maneuvering required to install the components of a vehicle, it would be best suited for a robotic arm to perform these tasks. Hence, automotive assembly lines mainly consist of robotic assemblers. These robots work in cohesion to produce completed vehicles at a consistent rate. Heavier objects like the motor and vehicle frame can be installed easily without endangering workers.
Assembly robots perform instructions and tasks at greater speeds and with greater precision than human workers. Assembly robots are also able to provide a better-quality product since they are more consistent and precise in their assembly process. Robotic assembly installations are also capable of operating 24/7, with the exception of occasional maintenance breaks. As a result, productivity can be maximized which will increase production rate in a smaller timespan and increase profits.
Cost Effective
As stated above, robotic assemblers are extremely efficient at performing their tasks. Increased productivity leads to increased profits. Installing robotic equipment in the place of human workers will also allow a production floor to significantly reduce labor costs and replace them with a lower powering cost. This will lead to a quick return on investment.
Hazard Reduction
Due to the ability to work with heavy, awkward, and dangerous materials or parts, assembly robots can reduce hazards to which a human worker would be subject to. In other words, a robot is more capable and adaptable to hazardous work environments. This in turn can save money which would have been used to provide workers with PPE, safety equipment, etc.
High investment
Robotic equipment can often have a high investment value. This includes the initial cost of the robot, as well as installation and maintenance. This cost can often exceed that of a worker’s annual wage. However, as stated above, the cost-effectiveness of a robot in long-term use results ini a quick return on investment.
Personnel Expertise
Due the complexity of robotic installations and processes, it is important to have access to personnel who are familiar with the robotics field. Companies with a mass number of robotic installations should ensure a member of staff with this expertise is on-site in the case of unexpected errors or downtime. The labor costs of this employee may be large, but the benefits that countless robotic installations provide easily out-ways this disadvantage. DIY Robotics has an advantageous support program for all of our robotic cells; that combined with the large robotic knowledge base our specialists possess provides all the expertise you require.
For production floors with any quantity of robotic equipment, performing frequent and correct maintenance is extremely important to keep efficiency high, and prevent unexpected errors and downtime. This mainly includes safety inspections, system analyses, cleaning, and upkeep (if a machine has a consumable resource or disposable parts). As stated above, it would also be necessary to have an employee with the expertise to perform this maintenance correctly.
In summary, robotic assemblers provide a necessary benefit to all manufacturing environments. Despite having a large initial cost, this robotic installation can increase efficiency and safety while keeping product consistency. If you have any questions regarding robotic assemblers or have a general inquiry about a certain subject or our products, do not hesitate to contact us and we will put you in touch with an expert:
- Assembly robotics. Acieta. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2022, from
- Assembly Robots: Assembly Line Robots: Fanuc america. FANUC. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2022, from
- Robotic manufacturing for Automobiles. Acieta. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2022, from,and%20dangerous%20tasks%20and%20environments