CFM Robotics has grown into a highly regarded enterprise with 23 years of experience in creating turnkey solutions. Recently, the Québec-based company has shifted to a DIY platform to provide support and resources for self-starters and industry innovators who have a thirst for a first-hand understanding of cutting-edge technology. With the explosion of the DIY movement, CFM Robotics saw an exciting opportunity to expand into this new type of partnership. After all, coming up with new programming possibilities is what we do. Here’s how our new DIY-Robotics platform can increase your company’s profit, and give you the edge in the new age of automation.
Reduce your maintenance and repair expenses with ideas for in-house solutions
Robotic work cells are cost-effective, given that they do not need major infrastructure changes once they are set up. Simplified programming and guided support allow your company to operate as autonomous as your machinery. DIY-Robotics provides you and your company with everything you need from product reviews to programming solutions to keep you and your technology running efficiently and help you utilize all of your work cell’s features.
Ideas for flexibility in function and utility
Make your robotic cells work for you. Produce several products in the same cell and with less expense with easily reconfigured cell options. We’ll show you how to redeploy units in your production line for multiple purposes so you don’t end up spending money on additional units. Turn your business into a “lights-out” factory by configuring your units to work around the clock.
Save money with our free online support
Take advantage of CFM Robotics’ more than 23 years of experience. We are a community of talented programmers, engineers, and certified integrators who love talking about robotics and who take great pleasure in building solid relationships with our customers. We are privileged to count among our resources the valuable personal qualities of our employees in addition to their noteworthy technical abilities. Respect, pleasure in our work, rigorous diligence, and creativity are some examples of what we bring to work every day and what you can expect from our support team.
DIY-Robotics is a place to talk programming, share ideas and solutions, and work together to build amazing things. It is our ever-growing network of resources, professionals and experts to help you with all of your robotic and automation needs.
Enable robotization at an affordable price
Each robotic cell is optimized for function and efficiency, so they are easy to maintain and deploy. Our cells are pre-engineered, pre-secured and pre-programmed, meaning that our customers get a worry-free installation that reduces downtime and production interruptions. Our cells include pre-integrated electronics and pneumatic panels, so say “ good-bye ” to tedious routing and flow mapping. Save money by making smart decisions and getting the cell that works right for you at each stage of production.
Avoiding the complications when a break occurs
In the event of a mechanical breakdown, robotic units can be easily moved along the production line by simply relocating the cell. Unlike anchored robots, robotic cells allow for customizable and adaptable configurations and tasks. Our interchangeable cells can prevent production halts or slowdowns, which can be costly to you and your customers. Don’t forget that you always have access to our free online support. No need for you to outsource; all of the support and resources you need are at
In many ways, DIY-Robotics will benefit your business and increase your profit margins and returns-on-investment. For more information, read our e-book in which we explain all the advantages of working with our team to design and build the best robotic cell for you and your company’s needs.