Background edit on TP program

This tutorial shows how to background edit a program in Teach Pendant from a FANUC robot. Background edit function allows modification on a TP program with the Teach Pendant selector is turned off (useful in automatic mode).

N.B. Modifications in the background editing program can be applied only once the selected program is not running.


+/- 5 minutes


Create a backup of your program before making modifications to your program.


Any modification containing bad values could lead to robot collisions.


  1. PRESS –> [ SELECT ]
  2. PRESS –> [ ITEM ]
  3. PRESS –> KEY [ 1 ]
  4. SELECT –> 1 -BCKEDT- 
  5. Choose the program you want to make changes
  6. PRESS –> [ OK ]
  7. Make changes that you desire for your program
  8. PRESS –> [ F5 ] [ EDCMD ]
  9. SELECT –>[ 7 ] [ END_edit ]