Setting up and calling At Perch Position

The Home position of DIY Robotics standard programming is set a Ref Position 1. It is called “At Perch”.

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+/- 15 minutes






Robot will move directly at home so make sure that there is no collision while the task is performed.


  1. In T1 mode, move the robot to the desired “Home Position”.
  2. PRESS –> [ MENU ]
  3. SELECT –> [ 6 ] 6 SETUP
  4. SELECT –> [ 7 ] 7 Ref_Position (see screenshot)
  5. Bring the cursor to “Enb/Dsbl” of # 1
  6. PRESS –> [ F3 ] [DETAIL]
  7. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
  8. ENTER –> At Perch (see screenshot)
  9. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
  10. PRESS –> [ SHIFT + F5 ] SHIFT and RECORD
  11. Using ARROW –> Scroll down to the third line.
  12. PRESS –> [ F4 ] TRUE (see screenshot)
  13. Using ARROW –> Scroll down to the fifth line.
  14. On the right column, ENTER –> 5
  15. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
  16. Using ARROW –> Scroll down to the sixth line.
  17. On the right column, ENTER –> 5
  18. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
  19. Using ARROW –> Scroll down to the seventh line.
  20. On the right column, ENTER –> 5
  21. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
  22. Using ARROW –> Scroll down to the eight line.
  23. On the right column, ENTER –> 5
  24. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
  25. Using ARROW –> Scroll down to the ninth line.
  26. On the right column, ENTER –> 5
  27. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
  28. Using ARROW –> Scroll down to the tenth line.
  29. On the right column, ENTER –> (see screenshot)
  30. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
  31. PRESS –> [ PREV ]
  32. PRESS –> [ F4 ] ENABLE (see screenshot)


In a program, you have to add this program part in order to copy Ref_Pos1 in PR[1]

  1. PRESS –> [ SELECT ]
  2. Choose the program you want to add the homing command
  3. Using ARROW –> Choose the program.
  4. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
  5. Using Arrow, SELECT –> Where you want to add the command. (Must be before the point line telling the robot to go to PR[1:AtPerch])
  6. PRESS –> [ F1 ] [INST] (if not available, PRESS –> [ NEXT ] )
  7. SELECT –> [ 6 ] 6 CALL
  8. SELECT –> [ 1 ] 1 CALL PROGRAM
  9. PRESS –> [ F3 ] COLLECT
  10. SELECT –> Karel Logs
  11. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
  12. Using Arrow, SELECT –> GET_HOME Program
  13. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
  14. Set the point in JOINT Motion if not already programmed