Adding a 16 digital output card on Omron NX I/O block

This video shows how to add a 16 digital output card on Omron NX I/O block using a Teach Pendant from a FANUC robot.

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+/- 15 minutes


Create a robot backup before changing the mapping of the ethernet module.


The robot will need a reboot after an ethernet IP modification.



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Install the output card. 16 outputs card = 2 bytes. This procedure will set up DO[49] to DO[64] as usable outputs.

      1. PRESS –> [ I/O ]
      2. PRESS –> [ F1 ] [TYPE]
      3. SELECT –> [ 0 ] 0 NEXT
      4. SELECT –> [ 3 ] 3 EtherNet/IP (see screenshot)
      5. On Omron NX line, using Arrow –> Move right to “Enable” column
      6. PRESS –> [ F5 ] FALSE (see screenshot)
      7. Using Arrow –> Move left to highlight OmronNX
      8. PRESS –> [ F4 ] CONFIG
      9. Using Arrow –> Scroll down to the line “Output size (bytes)”
      10. If no Euromap is installed, ENTER –> 8 (2 bytes for each output cards) (see screenshot)
      11. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
      12. If no Euromap is installed, ENTER –>10 (2 bytes for each output cards)
      13. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
      14. PRESS –> [ F3 ] PREV
      15. On Omron NX line, using Arrow, –> Move right to Enable column
      16. PRESS –> [ F4 ] TRUE (see screenshot)


      1. PRESS –> [ F1 ] [TYPE]
      2. SELECT –> [ 3 ] 3 DIGITAL (see screenshot)
      3. PRESS –> [ F3 ] IN/OUT (If not available, PRESS –> [NEXT] )
      4. Display DO
      5. PRESS –> [ F2 ] CONFIG
      6. If no EUROMAP is installed; Modify the range of the first DO[ ] attribution: Instead of 48, write 64. (see screenshot)
      7. PRESS –> [ ENTER ] (You will see “PEND.” In yellow at the end of the line)
      8. If Euromap is installed: Set another range of DO[x] like this: With Arrow, Scroll down to line 2.
      9. Instead of 208, ENTER –> 64
      10. Move right to “Rack column”, ENTER –> 89
      11. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
      12. Move right to “Slot column”, ENTER –> 1
      13. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
      14. Move right to “Start column”, ENTER –> 65 (see screenshot)
      15. PRESS –> [ ENTER ] (You will see “PEND.” In yellow at the end of the line)
      16. PRESS –> [ FCTN ]
      17. SELECT –> [ 0 ] 0 NEXT
      18. SELECT –> [ 8 ] 8 CYCLE POWER (see screenshot)
      19. PRESS –> [ YES ] (see screenshot)

The Digital input config should look like this:

Bits 1 to 48 are attributed to DO[1] to DO[48]. Bits 49 to 64 are attributed to DO[209] to DO[224] which is the Euromap 67 option. Bits 81 to 96 are attributed to DO[49] to DO[64]. With this setup, the Euromap output card is the fourth output card on the rack. When you add output cards, always put them after the Euromap card. If no Euromap is installed, then you can install them after the ones already on the rack.