Parallel Shifting of a program path from one area to another one with rotation

This video shows the parallel shifting of a program path from one area to another one with rotation using a Teach Pendant from a FANUC Robot.

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+/- 15 minutes


Create a backup of your original points in case something goes wrong.




If parallel shifts aren’t well executed, collisions between robots may occur.


This procedure is use to shift a series of point positions or a whole program to another area with rotation on the same user frame. In this case, we want the robot to make the same path but in another area. The source path is kept and the new one will be executed after the source path. The source path is from line 4 to line 7 and the new path created will be added at line 9. The procedure is done according to three point source reference and a three point destination reference. These references have to be set the same way except for rotation.

  1. PRESS –> [ MENU ]
  2. SELECT –> [ 1 ] 1 UTILITIES
  3. SELECT –> [ 6 ] 6 Program Shift (see screenshot)
  4. PRESS –> [ F4 ] [ CHOICE ]
  5. Using Arrow –> Scroll down the program list an make a selection.
  6. PRESS –> [ ENTER ]
  7. At line 2, PRESS –> [ F4 ] PART
  8. At line 3, ENTER –> 4
  9. At line 4, ENTER –> 7
  10. At line 5, ENTER –> Nothing because the new path will be inserted starting at line 9.
  11. At line 6, ENTER –> 9 (see screenshot)
  12. Using Arrow –> Scroll down until the next page of the shifting tool appears.
  13. At line 1, PRESS –> [ F4 ] ON (if it is not already ON).
  14. At line 2 “Source position P1:”, record first source position point, PRESS –> [ SHIFT and RECORD ]
  15. At line 3 “Source position P2:”, record second source position point, PRESS –> [ SHIFT and RECORD ]
  16. At line 3 “Source position P3:”, record third source position point, PRESS –> [ SHIFT and RECORD ]
  17. At line 4 “Destination position Q1:”, record first source position point, PRESS –> [ SHIFT and RECORD ]
  18. At line 5 “Destination position Q2:”, record second source position point, PRESS –> [ SHIFT and RECORD ]
  19. At line 6 “Destination position Q3:”, record third source position point, PRESS –> [ SHIFT and RECORD ]
  20. PRESS –> [ F2 ] EXECUTE (see screenshot)
  21. PRESS –> [ F4 ] YES
  22. The shifted line were added starting at line 9. The source lines were kept at lines 4 to 7. (see screenshot)