Setting up User Frame

This tutorial explains how to set up the user frame using the 3 point method with a Teach Pendant from a FANUC robot.

You will find a downloadable PDF icon PDF version at the end of this page.


+/- 30 minutes


Make sure that you are in the user tool of the teach pin before recording a user frame.




Be careful when moving the robot with a sharp teach pin, it can cause damage or injuries.

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  1. Set a teach pin on robot EOAT. If not done, teach the tool frame of the teach pin (refer to User Tool Creation).
  2. Set an origin of a working plan with an X and Y direction points
  3. PRESS –> [ SHIFT + COORD ]
  4. Using Arrow, SELECT –> TOOL (.=10)
  5. SELECT –> [ 1 to . ] Enter Tool number of teach pin.
  6. SELECT –> [ 6 ] 6 SETUP
  7. SELECT –> [ 5 ] 5 FRAME
  8. PRESS –> [ F3 ] [OTHER]
  9. SELECT –> [ 3 ] 3 USER FRAME
  10. Using Arrow, SELECT –> 1 of the 9 User Frame setup possible.
  11. PRESS -> [ ENTER ] –Frame setup page displayed–
  12. PRESS –> [ F2 ] [METHOD]
  13. SELECT –> [ 1 ] 1 Three Point
  14. Using Arrow, MOVE TO –> Orient Origin Point – Move the tip of teach pin to the origin point of the work plan.
  15. PRESS -> [ SHIFT + F5 ] Shift [RECORD]
  16. Using Arrow, MOVE TO –> X Direction Point – Move the tip of teach pin to X Direction Point given of the work plan.
  17. PRESS -> [ SHIFT + F5 ] Shift [RECORD]
  18. Using Arrow, MOVE TO –> Y Direction Point – Move the tip of teach pin to Y Direction Point given of the work plan.
  19. PRESS -> [ SHIFT + F5 ] Shift [RECORD]